Is it possible to learn isiXhosa on my own?
Yes, if you are motivated and prepared to work consistently, you will be able to do so.  However, because isiXhosa is a fully-fledged language in its own ri...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:19 PM
Is it possible to learn isiXhosa in my office or at home?
Yes, once again, if you are motivated and prepared to work consistently using a comprehensive, audio-based language-learning program, you will succeed.  It g...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:21 PM
People say it is impossible. Is this so?
Ask those people why they say this.  Have they tried to learn to speak isiXhosa,  and if so, for how long?  How motivated were they?  Which language-learning...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:22 PM
How long will it take to learn isiXhosa?
This will vary from individual to individual, but because there are so many differences between isiXhosa, an African language, and your own first language, a...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:22 PM
What are the advantages of studying on-line as opposed to CD / cassette packages?
Both offer the advantage of enabling you to study whenever you want, and to go over difficult sections as often as required.  CD / cassettes however, have fi...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:23 PM
Is there back-up support when I am stuck?
Yes, once you have registered, you will be given an email address to which you can direct questions.  How soon they will be answered, will depend on the volu...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:23 PM
What about face-to-face vs on-line classes?
* Contact classes have their limitations in that you, the learner, are exposed to the target language for a very limited time.  From a rough survey, it app...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:24 PM
How many words will I need to learn?
Depending on your goal, you will be able to get by on an everyday level with about 3000 words, but obviously the more words you know, the better equipped yo...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:25 PM
Is it difficult learning the grammar rules of isiXhosa?
An effective language learning program should ideally avoid explaining grammar rules, because that is not what you really want to know.  Explanations if give...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:25 PM
What do I need in order to learn isiXhosa?
* You need a language learning program that focuses on how the target language is used in all walks of life and provides you with sufficient learning materi...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2019 at 12:25 PM